Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Most common problem in lotus Notes/inote

1. Quota error during send/revive mail

Ans. Archive mails to release space from server and the compact the mail if user have proper rights

2. “User name not found on server” during mail configuration

Ans. Type the correct name if not know correct name then copy and paste the id file name

3. “Remote system no longer responding” during opening mail box

Ans. Check system is in network or not if in network then check it is pinginging the server or not if not then put the correct server name in setting if setting is correct then make entry in hot file for that server if entry is already is there the check the firewall setting it should be off if still problem is there then trace server like this(file>>Preferences>>user preferences>> Ports>>Trace>>trace)
If After trace it show connected to server and still ploblem is there then reconfigure lotus after taking proper backup

4. Archive setting tool box not opening

Ans. Connect to sysadmin it is rights issue

5. Name not resolving from address book when type name in new memo

Ans. Exit from lotus and login again if still u found same check location document

6. In archive setting compact tab is not active

Ans. Contact to sysadmin it is rights issue

7. Mail not showing in inbox

Ans. Check view all document and mark unread settings in the edit menu

8. “you have different password on another id match the password of another id” when we Reconfigure Lotus

Ans. Check the correct id file and replace old id file in data folder with correct id otherwise contact to sysadmin to reset password

9. “You are not authorized to open this mail box” When we create mail box icon in workspace

Ans. Contact to sys admin in this case

10 User cannot close his read mail window in his inote when his mail opens in separate window

Ans. Upgrade the Jawa then login again in inote

11 Notes error while Opening the inbox when we open mail box

Ans. Kill two services from task manager 1 ntask ldr.exe 2 nlnotes.exe and login again


Unknown said...

When open the mail database then show this msg "The database cannot be opened because a consistency check of it is needed"

anish said...

that means, that perticular database might be forcefully closed while using. to resolve this issue you need to wait upto complete the consistency check, then it will open properly

Datta said...

The notes Consistently checks all the databases and performs a self check to restore the database. This happens because of improper shutdown of notes and trying to access a file/link which is consuming more time because of network issues.
